Elk Horn Painting

Your Dedicated Painting Team

As local professional painters, Elk Horn Painting is the premier residential, HOA and commercial multiplex and office project painting company. We serve Castle Rock, Castle Pines, Lone Tree, Franktown, Elizabeth, Sedalia, Larkspur to the greater South Metro Denver area! Elk Horn Painting is a Google Guaranteed and 5 star reviewed and ranked painting contractor. Since 2016, Elk Horn has painted thousands of homes, condos, apartments/townhouses and commercial buildings inside and out. We have built a strong reputation in the area with excellent customer service, attention to detail, and beautiful results. Schedule a free quote today.
Integrity to us means staying true to your word. We honor this with transparent pricing, clear communication, and rigorous quality checks.
Integrity to us means staying true to your word. We honor this with transparent pricing, clear communication, and rigorous quality checks.
We treat each other, our clients, and our community kindly. This means we donate to causes we believe in, consider our staff and crews as family and always respect our client’s properties.
We treat each other, our clients, and our community kindly. This means we donate to causes we believe in, consider our staff and crews as family and always respect our client’s properties.
Clear, thoughtful communication is always our top priority, and we treat each client with the utmost respect.
Clear, thoughtful communication is always our top priority, and we treat each client with the utmost respect.
We are accountable to ourselves and to our clients for delivering what we promise. If for any reason your are not happy with our work, we will do everything in our power to make it right.
We are accountable to ourselves and to our clients for delivering what we promise. If for any reason your are not happy with our work, we will do everything in our power to make it right.

At Your Service!

Got a painting project? We’re ready to serve you! Share a few quick details to schedule your free estimate.
Our address
380 Perry St Suite 250 Castle Rock, CO 80104
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